
5 August 2022

Rejestracja ruszyła!

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Znamy już datę kolejnej odsłony konferencji ŁÓDŹ REDiscover. Liczymy na Waszą obecność 19 października w salach eventowych łódzkiego ...
Łódź przyciąga rewitalizacjami
1 October 2019

Łódź przyciąga rewitalizacjami

Rewitalizacja, inwestycje, biuro, koszty… Łódź – to kilka słów, które najczęściej padały podczas czwartej edycji konferencji Łódź REdiscover organizowanej wspólnie przez Eurobuild Conferences oraz Urząd Miasta Łodzi. W wydarzeniu, które odbyło się 18 września w Łodzi, uczestniczyło blisko 150 osób ...
Olle Zetterberg to attend Łódź Rediscover conference
4 September 2019

Olle Zetterberg to attend Łódź Rediscover conference

Business districts evolve. We want to work in friendly and comfortable places designed with our well-being in mind. How can we provide such places by reviving areas of city centres? How to transform glass and concrete jungles into work-friendly environments with the ideal conditions for generating a good atmosphere at work and also for encouraging the ...
Weaving your way to Łódź
30 August 2019

Weaving your way to Łódź

If you’re planning to attend our Łódź Rediscover conference in September, it’s worth taking a look at some of the  attractions we are preparing for our guests on the evening of the event. The meeting will take place within the Manufaktura arts, leisure and shopping complex. The uniqueness of the city and the character it still has today have been ...
Coworking without secrets – or 10, 20, 30 questions to Klaus Koponen!
27 August 2019

Coworking without secrets – or 10, 20, 30 questions to Klaus Koponen!

Coworking centres can now be found in almost every major city. And due to the growing popularity of coworking in Poland, such centres are also appearing in smaller cities and university towns. Why is coworking so popular? Who are these centres for? Why is investing in the development of them so important? Our guest, Klaus Koponen, the director general of ...
Will Łódź once again become the Promised Land?
15 July 2019

Will Łódź once again become the Promised Land?

Łódź is systematically rebuilding its tenement houses and streets. The city has spent many years attracting new investors to help with its renovations. It also been trying create the right conditions for local businesses investing in real estate to flourish. A conference is to be held on September 18th to present the potential of Łódź in and its ...
After party w Before Food Market
30 March 2017

After party w Before Food Market

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Po konferencji Łódź Rediscover organizatorzy wydarzenia zapraszają gości na after party. Spotkanie rozpocznie się o godz. 19:30 w lokalu Before Food ...
The 15th Office Market Conference. Trends & Outlook

The 15th Office Market Conference. Trends & Outlook

October 17th, 2024,Sound Garden Hotel,Warsaw


23 października 2024,,Restauracja Dock19 by Mateusz Gessler, Elektrownia Powiśle, ul. Wybrzeże Kościuszkowskie 43C, Warszawa
3. Deblowy Turniej Tenisa Eurobuild, Edycja Zimowa

3. Deblowy Turniej Tenisa Eurobuild, Edycja Zimowa

February 21, 2025,Europejskie Centrum Tenisa, ul. Topolowa 29,Mysiadło
11th Commercial Real Estate Investment Conference

11th Commercial Real Estate Investment Conference

March 27th, 2025,Warsaw,Radisson Collection Hotel, Grzybowska 24
Łódź REdiscover
Konstantynowska 8/10, Łódź
Orientarium ZOO
Łódź, ul. Konstantynowska 8/10